- Interference Microscope Jenamap p dyn (Carl Zeiss GmbH), controlled by a personal computer, a CCD camera (SenSys KAF 0400, Photometrics)
- In-situ monitoring of transient concentration profiles during molecular uptake, release and conversion
- Exploration of the nature of surface barriers by assessing surface permeabilities
- Determination of the sticking coefficients (pst) of nanoporous catalysts
- Analysis of surface properties during particle treatment for pore engineering
- The application of IFM for each of the indicated options is neither generally nor routinely possible. The required specification of the sample (particle and pore sizes, sample homogeneity, surface properties) depends on the type of information desired.
- For more details, see chapter 12 (introduction to the technique) and 15 to 21 (examples of application) in J. Kärger, D. M. Ruthven, D. N. Theodorou: Diffusion in Nanoporous Materials, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2012
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Dr. C. Chmelik
Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences
University of Leipzig
Linnestr. 5
04103 Leipzig
Tel. +49 / 341 / 9732531
Fax +49 / 341 / 9732549
Prof. J. Kärger
Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences
University of Leipzig
Linnestr. 5
04103 Leipzig
Tel. +49 / 341 / 9732502
Fax +49 / 341 / 9732549
Prof. J. Haase
Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences
University of Leipzig
Linnestr. 5
04103 Leipzig
Tel. +49 / 341 / 9732601
Fax +49 / 341 / 9732649