- Solid-state (Magic-Angle Spinning) and solution NMR spectroscopy
- NMR spectrometer (14.1 T, 51 mm bore, DirectDrive architecture, 4 channels)
- MAS NMR probehead
(Varian T3, 3.2 mm, sample volume 22 µl, sample rotation frequency up to 25 kHz, 2 channel, low-gamma equipment) - MAS NMR probehead (Varian T3, 1.6 mm, sample volume 8 µl, sample rotation frequency up to 40 kHz, 3 channel, 15N – 27Al, 13C – 31P, 19F – 1H)
- MAS NMR probehead (Doty Supersonic, 5 mm, sample volume 70 µl, sample rotation frequency up to 15 kHz, 3 channel, temperature range between -100 °C and +150 °C)
- Series of probeheads for solution NMR (triple-resonance, broadband, pulse-field Z-gradient)
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Dr. Gregor Mali
National Institute of Chemistry
Hajdrihova 19
1001 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 / 1 / 47 60 412