Development and verification at lab and pilot-scale of novel, hybrid water and wastewater treatment technologies based on membrane filtration, biological treatment and advanced oxidation. The focus is on process design and optimization from TRL 3 (proof of concept validation) to TRL 6 (demonstration in relevant environment), using commercially available porous organic and inorganic membranes (ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, forward osmosis), semiconductors (TiO2, ZnO as photocatalysts), and carbon materials (fibers, felts, powdered and granular activated carbon). Synthesis and characterization of functionalized carbon adsorbents (e.g., iron- and titania-impregnated carbon electrodes for novel photo-electro-catalytic applications) and membranes with modified surface properties (hydrophobicity, zeta-potential) in collaboration with other CPERI/CPERTH laboratories. 


  • Modern laboratory equipment for fluids analysis/characterization (water, industrial/municipal/ other wastewater, geothermal fluids, etc.)
  • Special laboratory pilot and semi-industrial pilot units for desalination (Reverse Osmosis-RO, Membrane Distillation-MD), industrial separations (Ultrafiltration-UF, Nanofiltration-NF), and treatment of wastewater (aerobic and anaerobic membrane bioreactors-MBRs, advanced systems of photocatalysis, electrochemical oxidation, hybrids physical separation processes).
  • High computing power capabilities for numerical simulations (CFD, other; network of 4 servers with double processors each; parallel computing), development of advanced software for process simulations and for related transfer phenomena simulations (momentum, mass, heat).
  • NRRE/CPERI//CERTH has developed an advanced software for detailed simulation of the operation of spiral wound NF/RO membranes (Spiral-Wound-Membrane, SWM module).


The 9th ENMIX workshop will take place from September 12-13, 2024, in Porto, Portugal            

Information and Registration



ENI Award to Jörg Kärger and Jürgen Caro


Job Vacancies


Innovative technological solutions

We offer:

  • Synthesis of tailored advanced materials
  • Solutions for high-tech applications
  • Analytical services (see Supertool)

Science-based advice and training

We offer:

  • Student and Ph.D. exchange
  • Postdoctoral positions
  • Training program